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Sunday, January 15, 2012


Finally I came up with a resolution that shows a little common sense. For years (at least 12) I have belonged to Poisoned Pen Bookstore's First Mystery Club first means I buy 24 books each year that are, obviously, an author's first published mystery. This year I am going to read those books and decide if I am getting enough books that I like to make the club worthwhile. If I want to support the store I could buy 24 books each year that I really wanted to read and keep instead of getting 24 automatically that I may or may not read.

There are some books there that I like very much but there are too many, I think, that I was never tempted to open or read very far if I opened them. I know I haven't read half of the books but I'll try and see if I like what I have.

This year I read Alice LaPlante's Turn of Mind, which I thought was very good but at the same time very sad. I'm not even sure if I would classify it as a mystery, although there was crime. The main gist of the book was the protagonist sinking deeper and deeper into dementia and what is going on around her as this happens.

I also read Clean Cut by Theresa Monsour from 2003 that I liked. I'll see if I keep reading these books and my opinion of the ones I read. Maybe I should do it monthly to keep me going.

After the snow and freezing temperatures of last week, we have a virtual heat wave this week. Love it. Temps are in the high 30s again, the sun is shining, and the snow is melting.

My other reading resolutions are to keep up with Kerrie's All Over the World Challenge and read books I have had on my shelves for a long time. This month is M, N, O. I think I can combine that with the Poisoned Pen Challenge since they seem to overlap.

Now I'll go finish The Confession, Charles Todd's latest Ian Rutledge, which is excellent. I like the series and this one is exceptionally good, imo. Then I'll start my Buddy Read book by Henning Mankell, The Man Who Smiled, which is an M mystery that has been on my shelf for over a year.

With Downton Abbey on PBS tonight, I have a busy day but one I can certainly enjoy to the max.

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